Get Involved
We believe that all of our kids deserve the knowledge and skills they’ll need to fully engage, avoid financial trouble, and build secure, comfortable and productive lives for themselves and their families.
If you agree, you and/or your organization, can help us to achieve that goal by becoming involved in one of the following ways…
Become a Member
ILJC Membership is free and offers e-newsletters with the latest information about research, programs and events involving financial education, invitations to attend quarterly Education & Networking events, and the opportunity to personally advance the cause by joining a Committee or helping with special projects. More…
Become a Sponsor
In addition to helping us enhance the financial capability of Illinois youth, ILJC Sponsor Organizations receive recognition through our newsletters, website and promotional materials, as well as at all public events. We offer a wide range of sponsorship options to suit every organization’s priorities and budget. More…
Make a Tax-Deductible Donation
Anyone can make a tax-deductible donation to help support student and teacher scholarships, library grants, educational events and other programs. ILJC is an all-volunteer organization, so every dollar makes a difference. More…
Join our new Action Network for Financial Empowerment
If you already dedicate your working life to helping young people achieve their dreams, join our innovative new program and help remove one more obstacle from their path. More…
How else can you make a difference?
Organizations and individuals can have a great impact at the local level. Here are just a few ways:
- Financial Institutions: Volunteer to work with a local school, library or youth center to provide presentations or support.
- Educators: Incorporate personal finance within your curriculum. Personal finance has been taught successfully to students of all ages and within many core and elective subjects. For more resources, go to Clearinghouse and search according to your grade level and subject matter.
- Policy Makers: Consider ways to incorporate personal finance education into school curricula and teacher professional development programs. Remember, too, that you need not reinvent the wheel. The National Jump$tart Coalition can help you identify successful models. For more information, e-mail [email protected] or call 1-888-45EDUCATE.
- Parents: Begin teaching your kids about personal finance at a young age and continue to reinforce these skills and behaviors as they grow. See the Resources page or visit the Clearinghouse for more information and ideas.
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- You’re Invited: Illinois Jump$tart Spring Event!
- 1st Annual Empowerment Summit is a Hit!
- ILJC to Host Empowerment Summit
- America Saves Week is Coming Up
- Happy Holidays!
Upcoming Events
all-day America Saves Week 2016
11:59 pm Spring 2016 Scholarship/Grant Ap…
all-day Money Smart Week 2016
2:00 pm ILJC Board Meeting – Private @ Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
11:59 pm Summer 2016 Scholarship/Grant Ap…
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